Here’s the CORRECT Way of Naturally Treating Dog Skin Allergies at Home

Mar 27, 2023by Suzie Cyrenne


If you’re anything like most dog parents, chances are you’ve already dealt with skin allergy at one time or another. Besides being very uncomfortable, this health issue can also significantly affect your pet’s quality of life if not taken care of the right way.

But here’s the thing, though. A lot of people mistakenly believe that conventional treatments and medicines are the only solutions to this problem. Make sure you follow along because I’m going to give you the rundown on the home remedies you can go for when skin allergy in dogs strikes.

How about we start the ball rolling by having a walkthrough of the most common indicators that your pet could be suffering from skin allergy?


The Common Symptoms of Dog Skin Allergies

For starters, dog skin allergy is considered as one of the most common health issues in dogs. While there’s no need for excessive worry should your pooch be afflicted with skin allergy, knowing and using the right natural treatment is definitely an essential.

This is because neglecting to give the right dog skin allergy home remedies can lead to even more serious problems before you know it. The most common symptoms of dog skin allergies include the appearance of reddish and wrinkly spots on the skin.

You will also notice your dog repeatedly licking, biting or chewing the affected areas. When these affected areas are not given the proper dog skin allergy home remedy, it is highly likely that they will turn into open sores and lesions sooner or later.

Besides becoming more and more uncomfortable for your pooch, these open sores and lesions can also possibly become infected before you know it. Now we’ve got that covered, let’s move on to the possible causes of dog skin allergies…


The Possible Causes of Dog Skin Allergies

If we’re being honest, it’s really difficult to pinpoint an exact cause of skin allergy in dogs because there are lots of possible causes that can trigger this health issue. However, just to make the discussion easy to comprehend, we will narrow these possible causes to three.

And these possible causes of dog skin allergies are food allergies, environmental allergies, as well as flea allergy dermatitis. We will discuss each one of them in detail in just a bit.


Let’s kick things off with food allergies.

Food allergies are a possible cause of skin allergy in dogs because a certain foodstuff may contain parts or ingredients that do not sit well with your pooch. And these parts or ingredients eventually cause adverse reactions like itchiness or a stinging sensation on the skin. Some food allergies may even lead to hives and facial swelling.

(Click here to check out our in-depth list of the foods your dog can and cannot eat.)


Next up is environmental allergies.

Environmental allergies are usually triggered by allergens such as exposure to pollution, dust, pollen, and mold. Besides causing itchy skin, other indicators of environmental allergies include repeated sneezing and watery eyes. Moreover, environmental allergies tend to be seasonal in nature and can be usually observed through the months of March to June.


Finally, we have flea allergy dermatitis.

At its simplest, this cause of skin allergies in dogs is basically triggered by the bites of fleas. Some dogs are very allergic to flea saliva and just a few bites from this parasite will already lead to inflamed, reddish patches on the skin, particularly in and around the tail area.

Now let’s talk about natural home remedies for skin allergies in dogs…


Home Remedies That Can Help Your Dog with Skin Allergies

Before we get the discussion going, I’d just like to emphasize that the information I will share about other home remedies for skin allergies in dogs is based on what we gathered online from our research.

So let’s jump right in…


Dog skin allergy natural remedy #1: Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the home remedies for dog allergies that you can use to apply. It can either be used as a spray to treat patches of affected skin or as a bath to cover more surface area at once.

Preparing this home remedy for dog skin allergy is really straightforward, too. You simply have to mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and you’re good to go. Just remember not to get any of this mixture on your dog’s eyes when you’re already getting busy.

Additionally, what makes the whole thing even more interesting is that the smell of apple cider vinegar can also repel fleas. Don’t forget that apple cider vinegar should not be used on open wounds and lesions. Besides giving your pooch a stinging sensation, it will also make the affected skin even more irritated.


Dog skin allergy natural remedy #2: Virgin coconut oil

Another dog skin allergy home remedy that you can use is virgin coconut oil. You see, VCO is packed with lauric acid, a special type of fat that has been seen to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Pour a liberal amount of virgin coconut oil in a bowl and let the whole thing sit in the fridge until it solidifies. You can then apply it on the affected areas of the skin like a soothing lotion. Remember not to dilute it with water since this will “thin out” the lauric acid and lose its natural potency.

And one very important thing to keep in mind. When choosing your virgin coconut oil, make sure that you don’t go for one that is used for cooking since its lauric acid content tends to be quite low.

And now here’s the best natural option you can go for when it comes to skin allergies, a natural way to help your dog that I was telling you about earlier…


A Natural Kit You Should Consider Including in your Home Pet Care Ensemble

Zumalka’s SKIN DRAINER ADVANCED KIT consists of three (3) products that are designed to detoxify the skin and promote better overall wellness for your dog.

These include the SKIN DRAINER, KIDNEY DRAINER, and LIVER DRAINER products.

  • SKIN DRAINER supports the health and overall appearance of the skin
  • KIDNEY DRAINER helps drain waste products from the body
  • And LIVER DRAINER promotes the elimination of toxins from the liver..

You see, in order for toxins to be correctly removed by natural means, they must pass through the liver and the kidneys. That's why these three products must be used together to maximize their beneficial effects.


The Importance of Treating Skin Allergies as soon as Possible

The importance of treating dog skin allergies as soon as possible cannot be stressed enough.

Knowing the right dog skin allergies home remedies you can go for when your canine family member is suffering from this health issue can mean the difference between quick relief and the whole thing becoming even more serious.

Make sure you check out our SKIN DRAINER ADVANCED KIT right away so you won’t have a hard time dealing with this dog health problem. And if you’ve decided to take charge of your pet’s health even more, feel free to get in on our Online Homeopathic Consultation today.


About the author

Suzie Cyrenne
Suzie Cyrenne


Suzie Cyrenne has dedicated more than 20 years of her life in making and improving natural animal health solutions in the global setting.

Being the co-founder of Zumalka, Suzie is a forerunner in enhancing the lives of pets through natural and homeopathic options using the knowledge she has gained from the Classical Homeopathy School in Quebec.

Through the guidance of her mother-in-law and fellow natural health expert, Denyse Lessard, Suzie constantly devotes herself to create premium pet products that are aimed at dealing with the root causes of wellness problems and not just their symptoms.

Besides immersing herself in books, personal development and visiting new places, Suzie also enjoys keeping herself in tiptop shape by snowboarding and taking daily hikes with her husband and Zumalka co-founder, Matt Lessard, and their Golden-Doodle, Westin.

Find out more about Suzie when you click HERE.

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